Sunday, March 28, 2010

A New Look...

The fireplace is sizzling, dinner is cooking, mom is out until tomorrow, and the environment is almost idyllic for writing- Or so I thought. I’m listening to the sound of the fireplace crackle with a little background noise: light snoring from hubby, my favorite TV show, Devine Design by Candise Olson, and my son reading aloud. Perhaps this really isn’t the right time to write, but when will it be? To be honest, I’m not quite sure when… I’m just trying to muli-task and get a few items crossed off of my to-do list. The truth of the matter is that, I’d rather be the one snoring on the sofa; after all, I worked another six-day work week this week. Our school district is making up snow days so, for the first time in over eight years, I find myself working on a Saturday and, it’s kicking my butt. I’m not complaining, because in these tough economic times, I’m happy to be employed.

Okay, I’m getting a little side tracked here. The spring like weather last week and the forecast of 78 degree temperatures for the upcoming week has put me in the cleaning, spruce up, throw out, and get ready for the summer mode. Can you tell?  I’ve changed the look of my blog; new colors and a new format. What do you think?  I’m still not 100% set on it and I am still looking at other possibilities, because it usually takes me awhile to decide on décor. So please, if you could take a moment and share your opinion, I'd really appreicate it.

Anyway, I’m suppose to be writing a little something about getting organized, but with all the distractions, I’m not feeling very organized right now. In any case, below are a few ideas.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Standing My Ground... It Wasn't Easy!

The idea for this post came from a chat with a friend; thanks Shawn!

My dog journey is a perfect example of the struggle to maintain balance in my life while trying to meet the needs of my family.

Sometime during the holiday break, my husband decided that our 7 year old had to have a dog right away. I’m not sure what sparked the urgent need for a dog, but my husband was relentless in getting this dog; like an angry pit bull, he sunk his teeth into the idea and would not let go. I think he latched on to the idea from watching our son interact with my cousin’s cat. Tailor is a typical busy little boy who cannot sit still. Other than outdoor activity, his DS game, or a movie, it’s difficult for him to sit still. GG, the cat, does the trick.

I love dogs and grew up with them, but, January is not the time to bring a puppy into our home. Trying to get my husband to understand this seemed like an impossible task.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Yes... Turkey CAN be tasty!

Wow!  Cannot believe that I am blogging again!  I am trying not to get too excited, but two consecutive days is BIG for me.

On Sunday's I try to prepare a big meal so that it lasts for at least one day.  Actually- the truth is that I want at least two days of leftovers so that I can start the week not having to rush home to cook.  That is the only reason why I cook larger meals on Sundays- Not because I love to slave in the kitchen making a mountain of dirty pots and pans to clean.

Anyway, today I was busy and wanted to get a few things done...  To do a little cleaning, take a 8 mile jog, and take my son out to ride his bike...  Oh yes!  And to cook dinner!   Not necessarily in that order.  So I wanted to prepare a meal that was quick without me slaving over the oven and stove.  It came out really tasty and that's according to the "maternal critic" aka mom, not me.   Jamie and our son enjoyed it, so I'm sharing it with you.   I'll just call it-   "T's BBQ Shredded Turkey"

Saturday, March 6, 2010


    It has been 12 days and some 16 hours since my last post.  At the start of this project, I committed and swore to myself that not one week would go by without at least one post. Oh well!  While I’m disappointed that I haven’t blogged for more than a few days, I can live with that fact.  Let’s see- job… check…. home… check… family… check… health…. check-   Really, the world hasn’t ended.  That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. This approach works for me and helps me to maintain my sanity. We all know that life can be quite challenging, so I try really hard to not take life too seriously. Most days I am successful.
     I must say though that, during the past 12 days, not a day passed where I wasn’t trying to figure out how I could squeeze in some time to blog.  But some how between dinner preparations, helping my son with homework, working out, and other wifely duties, I was just too pooped to read or to write. Yikes! I always feel as though I can never get everything done, but I don’t stress over it, because there is always tomorrow. Now, although I didn’t make or have time (depending on how you look at it) to blog, I did make time to intensify my workout routine and I am excited about that. There’s always a trade off and that’s what I try to remind myself. Okay, so I didn’t get one thing done, but I did accomplish something else in its place and that counts; right? Someone please help me on this one…