The other day I read an online newsletter, which prompted me to write this post. So for those of you who are thinking about changing careers or re-entering the slumping job market, check out monster's online journalism newsletter. I love this newsletter because it provides current but concise tips that can help you get up to speed on job search tips. Visit and click on the "advice" tab and begin searching for a topic of interest. You may not agree with every statement, so pick and chose what will work for you, but I am certain that if you've been out of the job market for awhile, you will learn a few tricks to help you along. If you don't have time to read the information right away; print it out- make a "career" folder and read it when you have short pockets of time.
I'm a firm believer in being prepared. So many people sit idle and wait for that great opportunity, yet when the opportunity arrives; most are not prepared for it. For many years, I rode around in my car with a folder (kept under the driver’s seat) filled with crisp and updated resumes- Just waiting for an opportunity. Well, guess what? One day I was getting my hair done. My stylist introduced me to a client and potential employer who asked me to send her my resume. I did better; I ran out to my car and gave her an updated resume. I don't have to tell you; she was impressed. This is an excellent example of being prepared. Ask yourself, “What change am I looking for?” Are you ready for this change? If not, what do you need to do to prepare for the change? Answer the questions, stop procrastinating, and get busy! Remember, “Think Forward!”
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