Hello world! I've moved to a new location.... You can now find Lexa's Journal at www.lexawrites.com. While this site has been good to me, especially as a newbie to blogging, the time has come for me to move on. I've been wanting to make the move since the start of the year but just didn't have the time.
Sitting still is no easy task for me, but amazingly today, I was able to sit long enough to nearly complete the page. I stayed away from facebook, except one post this morning. I left twitter and my emails alone. I started to sit pool side to work, but knew that would be counter productive. Reluctantly I sat in the house, wearing my swimsuit with the pool out of sight. Wow! That's amazing for me.
To follow me on my new blog, simply subscribe to the site and you will continue to receive automatic email updates.
See you soon!
Think Forward
This blog is dedicated to women like me, who seek balance, joy, and fulfillment in their lives, while juggling careers, relationships, and family.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
My St. Maarten favorites
Yesterday I returned from St. Maarten. I thought I'd share a few of my favorite moments on the island.
My absolute favorite place to hang out... tropical beaches! |
This picture will come in handy during the bitter cold winter season. |
Strawberry & Guava berry drink (virgin or with "spirits") is refreshing! |
Nope! I don't know this guy. Inebriation prevented him from making it to his room. He got off of the elevator on our floor and this is where he landed. I could not resist taking his picture. |
My girlfriend was relentless in getting us to dine at this marvelous restaurant. Why? Because Oprah said so! No disappointment here... The food was sensational and left my taste buds wanting more. |
My hotel was located near the Princess Juliana Int'l Airport and we were very close to this beach. Last week the beach was featured on yahoo as one of the top 10 dangerous beaches. I am amazed at the fools who stand at the foot of the airport at take off. They are literaly blown into the sand by the power of the planes exhausts. |
This sign rests near the ocean at Orient Beach (French side of the Island). Great advertisement-- great beverage choice while laying on the beach |
I took this shot while sitting outside a restaurant... wondering what it's called? |
Can you say ambiance? The outdoor waiting area at the Big Fish. Gorgeous- right? |
Dinner plate at The Big Fish. Almost every object in the restaurant is white, including the cool rectangular plates that dinner is served on. |
At dusk, The Big Fish sign is illuminated! |
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Farewell alarm clock
So I made it through another intriguing school year. Today is my last day of the 2010-2011 school year and my summer will officially begin.
The summer means I can sleep past 5:00 a.m. Wake up without an alarm clock or the sound of the coffee pot grinding. Iced coffee! Running, reading, and writing more frequently. Spending more fun time with my family. Oh and getting through my summer to-do list (later I will say more about my list). I am delighted!
I'm kicking off my summer and rewarding myself this year with some much needed down time. Translation... a Caribbean island, white sand streaming through my toes, crystal clear blue water, exotic palm trees, sweet tropical cocktails, and no kids. Someone else will cook, wash the dishes, clean the toilets, make my bed, laundry the towels, and prepare a fine meal that I will enjoy among adults with mature and uninterrupted conversation. Yes, I'm ready!
The summer means I can sleep past 5:00 a.m. Wake up without an alarm clock or the sound of the coffee pot grinding. Iced coffee! Running, reading, and writing more frequently. Spending more fun time with my family. Oh and getting through my summer to-do list (later I will say more about my list). I am delighted!
I'm kicking off my summer and rewarding myself this year with some much needed down time. Translation... a Caribbean island, white sand streaming through my toes, crystal clear blue water, exotic palm trees, sweet tropical cocktails, and no kids. Someone else will cook, wash the dishes, clean the toilets, make my bed, laundry the towels, and prepare a fine meal that I will enjoy among adults with mature and uninterrupted conversation. Yes, I'm ready!
Sunday, June 12, 2011
My confession
For the past month, I’ve been terribly unproductive at blogging and my writing in general. I figured out why!
These darn coupons! How on earth could that be? The first time I saw the show Extreme Couponing I thought “great, those women are getting some great deals, but the average mom doesn’t have time for that!” I am also ashamed to say that I thought…they have no life.
Well, Tanya’s eating her words because couponing has snuck up on me like a thief in the night. Robbing me of my precious writing time, but saving me huge amounts of money.
When did I realize that I was having issues? I clearly remember… standing in line at Pathmark cashing in on the triple coupon promotion. Yes! Triple! A $1.00 coupon worth $3.00! Amazing right!!!
As the cashier rang up my items and began scanning my coupons, I realized that my hands were trembling! Lol!! Palms were sweaty and all. I thought, “girl, you’ve got issues!” I got so excited that day, because the cashier gave me $0.05 back (he wasn’t suppose to do that), that I left my bank card at the cash register.
While, I’m still a novice at this couponing adventure, I am saving money and having fun. Here are a few pictures of some my favorite buys.
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(Acme) Total bill - $6.16 |
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The Ore.Ida fries were free (Pathmark promo) & the creamers were either free or under $0.50. The freezer is full! |
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Can you tell, Tabasco is my favorite hot sauce? I got 9- 2 oz. bottles for FREE! |
4 Luigi's Italian Water Ice & 2 - 20 oz. Lipton Green Tea - Total Bill - $0.21 |
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My son loves PJ sandwiches - These were from a ACME promo. |
My mom always ask, "why do people tell their business?" My answer regarding this post is, I'm sharing my coupon adventures with others to help save money. I know of many working class people who are unemployed or underemployed and struggle to make ends meet. If this information can help others, than the post is well worth the time.
By the way, once I get this couponing down pat, I refuse to over stock on items that I don't or won't ever use. Instead I will donate to those who are in need such as the NJ Food Bank , the Covenant House, Atlantic County Women's Center, the Atlantic City Rescue Mission , or another non profit agency in need.
Enjoy the remainder of the weekend.
Enjoy the remainder of the weekend.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Give special recognition to graduating moms
This week a long-time and close friend graduated from junior college and received her Associates degree with honors. While this may seem like a small achievement to some, I am here to tell you that her success involved endless sacrifices. I am extremely proud of her and overjoyed for her success!
She’s a single mother of three children and like so many moms, always put her kids needs before her own. Her desire to attend college was shelved until she felt attending college would not interfere with their individual needs.
Countless moms (and single dads) undertake the journey of furthering their education. Whether the goal is a GED, an Associates degree, a Bachelor’s degree, or other advanced degree, the sacrifice and commitment is all the same.
Kids homework, groceries, laundry, house cleaning, cooking, coaching, counseling, coordinating schedules, transporting the kids to activities, holidays, birthdays, nurturing all the relationships in the home, and working a second job out side the home (for some).
Add to the above, mommy’s classes, lectures, homework, papers, projects, quizzes, exams! Oh yeah, did I mention sleep?
You cannot begin to imagine the mental and physical demands of maintaining this routine for any extended period of time. Only God or another spiritual connection and a supportive network of family and friends can get you through such an exhausting and taxing journey.
Trying to keep everything going simultaneously is a bizarre juggling act
The experience of making a commitment to oneself and following through to the end is an incredible rewarding, uplifting, and exhilarating feeling.
After nearly 11 years of attending day, evening, night, weekend classes, and sometimes, commuting twice a day (a one hour drive each way) in 2002, I proudly walked across the stage to receive my Bachelor’s degree at Rowan University.
Strolling across the stage with my much younger and fellow graduates was one of the best feelings in my life! The moment was incredibly emotional and rewarding.
Like so many other women, I was the first in my family to receive a college degree. My mom was proud. My dad died my senior year in high school. He made his spiritual presence when I received my high school diploma and revisited as I received my diploma in hand at Rowan.
For a mom, furthering her education is empowering. Moms often nurture everyone else except for herself. Success in each class validates the process. It’s the one thing in her day, her week, her month, her year that she do for herself and no one else.
So when I read or hear about another woman’s accomplishment, I say cheers! Kudos! Congratulations! And then some! Because I know firsthand how the road is paved with potholes, detours and road closures, yet we diligently persevere.
A special segment in every college graduation ceremony should be dedicated to graduating mothers. These accomplished moms usually work twice as hard as their classmates and deserve special recognition.
Congratulations to all the graduating women this spring; you rock!!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Today's idea of balance
bal·ance*At this moment, per me, I should be washing the dishes, cleaning up the kitchen, and filling my coffee pot with coffee beans for tomorrow morning's early rise
–noun1.2.something used to produce equilibrium; counterpoise.3.mental steadiness or emotional stability; habit of calmbehavior, judgment, etc.
Hubby has taken our son to an activity. This is my hour or so of mommy me time. Yeah right! Me time! Lol! I'm sitting in my study laughing my ass off. Why? Because there is no way that I can fit anything that I really want to right now into this little window of an opportunity.
So I'm here to just say, I'm still here! I am promising myself that I will make a fierce return and say everything, well- well almost everything that I intended to say over the past two weeks.
I hear noises. Alex! That's my puppy. I'm really not alone after all. I must go, he's chewing the baseboard in the kitchen again. I'll be back!/ˈbæl
* http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/balance
Friday, May 6, 2011
A well understood wake-up call
“Every death is a wake-up call
to live life more fully”
to live life more fully”
Wise and thought provoking. The rapid and untimely death of my cousin Marlene was my wake-up call. Actually- it was more like a violent jolt. Although our moms are sisters, Marlene felt more like a sister than a cousin.
She was 46 when she passed. I remember driving in my car, struggling to listen to one of my favorite songs, Mariah Carey's, "Bye Bye." Wondering why her? Why now?
Early in August 2006 everything was well. The disturbing cancer diagnosis came soon after. Two days after Christmas, she passed. She was a strict vegetarian for nearly all of her life. She never drank alcohol. Never smoked cigarettes or cigars and never used drugs. She had no risk factors, but was still struck by this non-discriminate and mortal disease.
- Fact: "About 70-80% of breast cancers occur in women who have no family history of breast cancer. These occur due to genetic abnormalities that happen as a result of the aging process and life in general, rather than inherited mutations"
She was not suppose to be the one to leave the family yet! She was just too darn young and six months prior celebrated the youngest of her three children's high school graduation. It's been four and half years, and I'm still amazed.
Marlene represented the true spirit of Christianity, but she never felt the need to make the declaration or to broadcast it to others. Instead she chose to live a quite Christian life and led by example. Marlene greeted everyone with a gentle and warm smile and loved sewing and crafting. Never complained, even when she had reason to.
The stats are astounding and no one is exempt from this deadly disease. I can take all the precautionary steps to minimize my risk factors, however, the fact remains that I can still be afflicted with the disease.
- Fact: "About 1 in 8 women in the United States (12%) will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime."
My wake-up call reminds me to... Enjoy each day. Laugh often. Enjoy and appreciate the special people in my life. Partake in activities that are important to me, and most of all, have fun!
Now a days when I think about someone, I take the time to connect with them to say, "hello," "how are you?" or "I was thinking about you" because the next minute, hour, or day is not promised to any of us.
I'm excited and feeling really good about running in this Saturday's, Shirley Mae Breast Cancer Run and Walk . I am running in memory of Marlene. The event is also about celebrating survivors and I will be doing that too.
I will also be running to celebrate survivors Crystal, Vanessa, Dawn, and for those whom I don't know. Congratulations ladies on your triumphs! Yeah!
- Fact: "In 2010, there were more than 2.5 million breast cancer survivors in the U.S."
Resources and related links:
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
What was the unhealthiest meal that you've ever eaten?
Amazed! At what? My response to the latest writing prompt. http://dailypost.wordpress.com/2011/04/29/describe-unhealthy-meal/
"What was the unhealthiest meal you’ve ever eaten?"
Apple Pie (1)
260 Calories
Orange Soda (1 large)
124 Calories
"What was the unhealthiest meal you’ve ever eaten?"
Growing up my mother fed me hearty and well balanced meals. Fruits and vegetables were plentiful. Every summer we gardened and harvested a beautifully large crop of corn, okra, green peppers, hot peppers, tomatoes, cabbage, and collards. I wasn't allowed to eat much candy and don't recall eating fast food until nearly high school age.
Remembering the unhealthiest meal that I've ever eaten, really stirred me up. The meal was at McDonald's and became a weekend ritual somewhere around the age of 15. I'm repulsed and down right disgusted at the amount of garbage that I put into my body. I was a member of the Oakcrest High School Marching Ambassadors. We participated in competitions all over and traveled on the weekends. That's when I got the opportunity to eat at fast food restaurants. My mother wouldn't dare feed me McDonald's.
I ate two Big Mac sandwiches, two large fries, an apple pie, and a large orange soda. Now that may now sound like much, but for a nearly 5'9, 120 pound teenage girl, that just doesn't sound normal to me. My cousin Curtis and I collected the McDonald's calendars that had the buy one get one free coupon at the bottom of each month. We lived for those coupons.
Remembering the unhealthiest meal that I've ever eaten, really stirred me up. The meal was at McDonald's and became a weekend ritual somewhere around the age of 15. I'm repulsed and down right disgusted at the amount of garbage that I put into my body. I was a member of the Oakcrest High School Marching Ambassadors. We participated in competitions all over and traveled on the weekends. That's when I got the opportunity to eat at fast food restaurants. My mother wouldn't dare feed me McDonald's.
I ate two Big Mac sandwiches, two large fries, an apple pie, and a large orange soda. Now that may now sound like much, but for a nearly 5'9, 120 pound teenage girl, that just doesn't sound normal to me. My cousin Curtis and I collected the McDonald's calendars that had the buy one get one free coupon at the bottom of each month. We lived for those coupons.
I was curious and had to get the nutritional facts on what I ate. Below is the data:
Big Mac’s (2)
563 Calories each 33g fat each
1007g Sodium each
Large Fries (2)
487 Calories eachLarge Fries (2)
25g Total fat each
350g Sodium each
Apple Pie (1)
260 Calories
15g Fat
200g. Sodium
Orange Soda (1 large)
124 Calories
20g Sodium
33g Sugar
2,484 Total Calories!!!
131g Total Fat!!!
2,934 Total Sodium!!
Honestly, I want to take a laxative and a 15 mile run just thinking about the calories, fat and sodium that I consumed. Stunned and astonished!
Fast forward to 30+ years later- I stopped eating red meat in 1994 and I don't eat pork. I eat turkey, chicken, and seafood. My occasional indulgence from McDonald's is a small order of fries and that's a rarity. These days, I love my fruits, fresh vegetables, and other healthier food choices. I religiously read nutritional labels before I buy or eat mostly everything.
Personally, I don't feel like I'm depriving myself of anything. I cherish my body more than I did then before. I eat now to fuel my body with the proper nutrients so that my body and mind can perform at its best. I've tried to teach my children the importance of eating well, but they too may go through a similar stage.
My 22 year old was a bit deprived of candy, but she did enjoy the pleasures of happy meals. I've relaxed even more with my 8 year old. He gets more candy and about the same amount of fast food as his sister did, but more junk food than she ever did. I hope that by not depriving them of the fun stuff that they won't over indulge like I did. Perhaps we've all had our stages as teens or adults. Maybe. Maybe not.
What was the unhealthiest meal you've ever eaten? Oh, please share!
Fast forward to 30+ years later- I stopped eating red meat in 1994 and I don't eat pork. I eat turkey, chicken, and seafood. My occasional indulgence from McDonald's is a small order of fries and that's a rarity. These days, I love my fruits, fresh vegetables, and other healthier food choices. I religiously read nutritional labels before I buy or eat mostly everything.
Personally, I don't feel like I'm depriving myself of anything. I cherish my body more than I did then before. I eat now to fuel my body with the proper nutrients so that my body and mind can perform at its best. I've tried to teach my children the importance of eating well, but they too may go through a similar stage.
My 22 year old was a bit deprived of candy, but she did enjoy the pleasures of happy meals. I've relaxed even more with my 8 year old. He gets more candy and about the same amount of fast food as his sister did, but more junk food than she ever did. I hope that by not depriving them of the fun stuff that they won't over indulge like I did. Perhaps we've all had our stages as teens or adults. Maybe. Maybe not.
What was the unhealthiest meal you've ever eaten? Oh, please share!
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Are you a giver or a taker?
A giver. A taker. Which are you?
Givers will give you a listening ear. They will share their spirit, their heart, their love, their joy, their laughter, and typically anything that they can give to help someone in need.
The takers will take your time, your advice, your money, your spirit, your energy, and anything else that you are willing and able to give up.A recent conversation with someone prompted me to write this post.
For the sake of her privacy, I’ll call her Shauntel. We were chatting about a number of topics. You know how it goes. Aimlessly jumping from one topic to another, playing catch up from a busy day, week, or month. Trying to cover everything in a short span of time.
With a hint of frustration, Shauntel asked my opinion about a situation she was experiencing. Someone had asked a favor of her. She agreed to the initial request. A day or so later, the person wanted to add more to the favor. Shauntel felt as though she’d extended herself enough and was second-guessing her instinct to say no to the additional request.
The scenario is so typical of the givers and the takers in the world.
Since she asked my opinion, I told Shauntel the following:
Don’t let this person guilt you into over commitment. Do what you can do. Do what you want to do. Do what you feel like doing. I’m so sick of the takers manipulating the generous hearts of the givers into over extending themselves.
The madness occurs at work (between colleagues, supervisors, subordinates, and mangers), at home (with parents, spouses, and kids), extra-curricular activities (amongst soccer moms, football moms, cheerleading moms, coaches, etc…), and with family (at holiday gatherings, vacations, weddings, and funerals)
Thankfully, I’ve come to my senses. I’ve matured and wised up some and can usually identify the givers and the takers that pass through my life. The takers use to try to suck the life out of me, but I learned to avoid them and to stay away from them like my life depends on it. I advised her to do the same. Run!
I also believe that the givers share the responsibility of the situation and the outcome too. It is not just the fault of the takers.
Rather than to continue to play the role of innocent victim, complaining and sulking to anyone who will listen as to how they’ve been done wronged and taken advantage of (by the way, Shauntel is not like this), the person should understand and access their own actions and determine what steps they can take to change the situation. Sometimes it takes extreme measures such as ejecting people from your life.
You bettcha! I’ve kicked full-fledged adult “takers” out of my life and felt darn good about my choice. “Don’t let the door hit you where the good Lord split you!” When I was a kid, I heard that phrase a lot.
My eight year old understandably struggles from time to time with the idea but my recently turned 22 year old has embraced the notion rather nicely. I hope and pray that I've taught and continue to teach my children to see the value of giving over receiving; it really is a life long process.
Give generously and take only when needed and only when necessary.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Being unconventional can lead to success
Buck the system. Go nontraditional. Be unconventional. Celebrate being eccentric. Be yourself. Do you with confidence and with flair.
I’ve always condoned the traditional in much of everything that I’ve done. I know- as I’m told, tradition has its place. Not to sound clichéish, but my kids have always been encouraged to leave their own footprints in the sand and avoid following in anyone else’s footsteps.
With those thoughts in mind, last night I celebrated the Philadelphia Eagles, 23rd NFL Draft pick, Danny Watkins!
Sidebar- I don’t follow college football. I do watch professional football and can only name a handful of football players. On a good day, I can name nearly ten professional football teams. I can’t tell you jack about the stats on ANY player.
I’m sure that by the time this posts, there will be hundreds, if not thousands of posts on the good and the bad of the Philadelphia Eagles Draft pick.
That said it’s not the stats that’s sent me into a tizzy, it is the fact that this 26 year old didn’t play football in high school. And get this! He’s a part-time firefighter! I love it!
Wait! Those who know me will say that I’m excited and am partial because my hubby’s career is in fire suppression, but I assure you that one has nothing to do with the other.
The fact of the matter is this:
So what’s my point?
Watkins, like many child athletes, probably didn’t stand out as the “star athlete” destined for professional ball, yet he’s catapulted to the forefront. Ahead of other athletes who no doubt feel as though they’ve “done their time,” or “shown their commitment” to the sport and deserve to be there over Watkins. Regardless, he chose a different path from many others, yet ended up at the same destination.
I’m convinced that the same holds true for every other kid or adult in the world. Regardless of the individual appearing to be an average Jane or John, each of us has much to contribute to society. We shouldn’t judge or count others out because their credentials are less esteemed than the next guy. We should simply respect others and focus our positive energies on our own indvidual path and destination.
Congratulations Danny Watkins!
I’ve always condoned the traditional in much of everything that I’ve done. I know- as I’m told, tradition has its place. Not to sound clichéish, but my kids have always been encouraged to leave their own footprints in the sand and avoid following in anyone else’s footsteps.
With those thoughts in mind, last night I celebrated the Philadelphia Eagles, 23rd NFL Draft pick, Danny Watkins!
Sidebar- I don’t follow college football. I do watch professional football and can only name a handful of football players. On a good day, I can name nearly ten professional football teams. I can’t tell you jack about the stats on ANY player.
I’m sure that by the time this posts, there will be hundreds, if not thousands of posts on the good and the bad of the Philadelphia Eagles Draft pick.
That said it’s not the stats that’s sent me into a tizzy, it is the fact that this 26 year old didn’t play football in high school. And get this! He’s a part-time firefighter! I love it!
Wait! Those who know me will say that I’m excited and am partial because my hubby’s career is in fire suppression, but I assure you that one has nothing to do with the other.
The fact of the matter is this:
- In spite of Watkins missing out on Taxi, Pee Wee, JV, and Varsity football, the guy was drafted to play NFL Football.
- In high school, he played rugby and hockey and probably enjoyed every minute of it.
- At 6’4” 312 pounds, he was probably a decent size athlete who was encouraged to play the all American game of football, but chose another sport.
- After high school, he attended college and majored in general studies. Perhaps he was uncertain about his career path. I'm sure that as the days pass, we'll learn more about Watkins.
So what’s my point?
Watkins, like many child athletes, probably didn’t stand out as the “star athlete” destined for professional ball, yet he’s catapulted to the forefront. Ahead of other athletes who no doubt feel as though they’ve “done their time,” or “shown their commitment” to the sport and deserve to be there over Watkins. Regardless, he chose a different path from many others, yet ended up at the same destination.
I’m convinced that the same holds true for every other kid or adult in the world. Regardless of the individual appearing to be an average Jane or John, each of us has much to contribute to society. We shouldn’t judge or count others out because their credentials are less esteemed than the next guy. We should simply respect others and focus our positive energies on our own indvidual path and destination.
Congratulations Danny Watkins!
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Foul ball on the jewelry selection
I cannot believe that I'm blogging about this incident, but it's true and I'm just keeping it real.
“Staying in the moment” and being "present" sometimes comes as a challenge to me. I have to constantly remind myself to focus, to enjoy the present moment and to not think about anything else. Some days I am more successful then others. Case in point-
My latest fad is an attraction to anklets and bracelets made of materials like hemp and leather. On one recent shopping trip, I purchased quite a few bracelets. I chose a few cool pieces mainly due to their bright and vivid coloring.
Black clothing dominate my work clothes because it's easier and quicker to put an outfit together at 5:00 a.m.. I've learned that adding a spice of color through accessories is simpler for me. The process of coordinating my bracelets, earrings and other jewelry pieces with my outfit is less time consuming.
Anyway, few weeks ago I was excited to sport my cool black natural fibered bracelet with rectangles painted bright yellow, red, and green.
Fast forward to around 8:00 a.m. the day that I wore my bracelet to work. I’m sitting in my office, easing into my work day. I gingerly glance down at my bracelet smiling and admiring its beauty. At that moment, I realized that the pretty "tropical" plants looked familiar. I stopped to take a closer look. "Hmm.... this isn't good," I thought.
No, it can’t be! I put my reading glasses on! Perhaps I need to wear my glasses when I shop now. I take a second and third look. OMG! I am horrified to discover that the damn tropical looking plants on the side of my bracelet are marijuana plants!!! What the heck?!?!
At the time of my purchase, I had no idea of the art work depicted on the bracelet. Just wasn't paying close attention. I don’t use drugs nor do I make it a habit of buying merchandise that contain pictures of drugs. I work with teens and pride myself in setting a positive example for students. Jeez! What an airhead!
Needless to say, I made an immediate adjustment to my adored accessory on this morning and the bracelet never became visible to students. I am so glad that I realized this outrageous snafu before any students got a chance to see it.
For sure, I learned my lesson the hard way. Stay "present" woman! The irony is that I tell both my kids all the time, "pay attention!" He he! The jokes on me. Doggone it! Pay attention Tanya!
“Staying in the moment” and being "present" sometimes comes as a challenge to me. I have to constantly remind myself to focus, to enjoy the present moment and to not think about anything else. Some days I am more successful then others. Case in point-
My latest fad is an attraction to anklets and bracelets made of materials like hemp and leather. On one recent shopping trip, I purchased quite a few bracelets. I chose a few cool pieces mainly due to their bright and vivid coloring.
Black clothing dominate my work clothes because it's easier and quicker to put an outfit together at 5:00 a.m.. I've learned that adding a spice of color through accessories is simpler for me. The process of coordinating my bracelets, earrings and other jewelry pieces with my outfit is less time consuming.
Anyway, few weeks ago I was excited to sport my cool black natural fibered bracelet with rectangles painted bright yellow, red, and green.
Fast forward to around 8:00 a.m. the day that I wore my bracelet to work. I’m sitting in my office, easing into my work day. I gingerly glance down at my bracelet smiling and admiring its beauty. At that moment, I realized that the pretty "tropical" plants looked familiar. I stopped to take a closer look. "Hmm.... this isn't good," I thought.
No, it can’t be! I put my reading glasses on! Perhaps I need to wear my glasses when I shop now. I take a second and third look. OMG! I am horrified to discover that the damn tropical looking plants on the side of my bracelet are marijuana plants!!! What the heck?!?!
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Duh! I forgot to mention Bob Marley's pic! |
Needless to say, I made an immediate adjustment to my adored accessory on this morning and the bracelet never became visible to students. I am so glad that I realized this outrageous snafu before any students got a chance to see it.
For sure, I learned my lesson the hard way. Stay "present" woman! The irony is that I tell both my kids all the time, "pay attention!" He he! The jokes on me. Doggone it! Pay attention Tanya!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Will you still love me if...
Through the spirit of a child-
Will you still love me if I’m gay?
Will you still love me if I’m over weight?
Will you still love me if I’m not like you?
Will you still love me if I’m not a college graduate?
Will you still love me if I fall down and can’t get up?
Will you still love me if my life long partner is an atheist?
Will you still love me if I love someone of a different faith?
Will you still love me if I don’t achieve your definition of success?
Will you still love me if I chose to love someone outside of my race?
If you’ll still love me in spite of the characteristics that make me different from you, than you appreciate the significance of unconditional love. I love you mom. I love you dad.
A recent conversation with a young woman prompted me to think about the idea of unconditional love. Unconditional love is often talked about by parents like it’s some automatic device that comes with parenting.
When our children are young, innocent, impressionable, cute, and still hang onto our every word, it’s so easy to love them… unconditionally.
However, with the passage of time, our impressionable babies become independent, outspoken, confident, rebellious, courageous, and begin to make their own choices- And that's when the true test of unconditional love presents itself.
The young lady told me that she was gay. This was her official “coming out” to me, but I was not surprised. I told her that her sexuality had no bearing on our relationship and that she should live her life being true to herself.
I was curious and questioned her about her peers, her family, and her friend’s knowledge and acceptance of her homosexuality. All was well until she spoke of her parents. Neither parent approved of her lifestyle; consequently, life at home was a struggle. She quietly spoke of betrayal and other events that took place within her family circle that continue to weigh her down. She revealed that for a short moment, she contemplated suicide, but quickly realized that suicide wasn’t the answer.
She referenced biblical scriptures that she’d been shrouded with by family and a few others. She also expressed her love and commitment to her faith.
I couldn’t tell her that I knew how she felt, because I didn’t know for sure. However, I vividly remember my own struggles at age 17 that left ball patches in the front of my hair and ulcers in the pit of my stomach. So I could certainly empathize with her and hope and pray that she would soon find peace in her heart and within her family.
As the mother of a soon-to-be 22 year old, I’ve discovered that as our children blossom into young adults, we have to let go. Letting go doesn’t mean disappearing from their lives. To me, it simply means that we have to find a balance between trying to help them avoid severe life altering mistakes to allowing and encouraging them to make responsible choices and to become the adults that we hope and pray that we’ve raised them to become.
Nearly 20 years ago, I remember working with this lovely and hard working woman. Members of her family stopped speaking to her because she was Jewish and was dating an Italian guy. A patriarch of the family forbade her to continue dating the guy and, when she refused to end the relationship, stopped speaking to her. I was amazed. This was a closely knit family.
I just don’t get it! I’ve always told my daughter, “I don’t care who you date or marry- Black, White, Asian, Latino, Hispanic, man, woman- that’s right! As long as the person has a good head on his or her shoulder and treats her with dignity and respect… that’s the criteria for me.” She understood and has always been open with us. She dates a nice Irishman, who is smart, career minded, witty, and treats her with dignity and respect. Of course, my mom has issues with the bi-racial relationship, but that’s her problem for her to keep all to herself.
My final thoughts are to love your kids--- regardless.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
“What would your profession be if you didn’t need money?”
I love this question! It came to me by way of The Daily Post a blog that I subscribe to.
If I was to wave a magic wand and I didn’t need the money, I would be working as:
Owner of Lexa’s Place. Lexa’s place is a community for homeless teenage girls. A community where you and I would feel very comfortable to eat, sleep, bathe, and rejuvenate. Visualize a warm and nurturing environment where young ladies receive individual and group counseling, treatment for substance abuse, medical assistance, mentors, life skills training, family planning, educational support and guidance and more. The community in which Lexa’s place sits in a quiet suburban community nestled deep in the woods and a great distance from the rut and temptation of city life. A large part of my day is spent managing, advocating, and working to improve and change the course of the lives of the residents in the program.
It’s unsettling for me to see young children learn unhealthy eating habits and unhealthy lifestyles. When I see obese kids, especially the young ones, I want to grab the parents and quite frankly ask, “What the hell are you doing to your kid?” “Setting them up for major health issues, low self-esteem, teasing and bulling in school, discrimination and more!” “Stop! There’s a better way!” Of course, I know that if I took that approach, at the least, I’d get cussed out, but you get the picture. To adapt a healthy life style, one must educate themselves on exactly what a “healthy lifestyle” means, then the person must make a conscience choice to slowly make the change. I’d love to help the little ones and their parents do this.
Lastly, a Writer. More specifically, a writer, generating income, writing for my favorite magazines and a few other topics. I know, money is not suppose to be part of the equation, but realistically, I need to fund my other projects and pay for a second home in the islands. So somewhere along the line the need to make money will factor in. A percentage of my income will come from writing.
I answered the question very easily because I’ve asked myself the same question many times. Consequently, I am working on all three projects and have no doubt that each will occur in the right season and at the right time. Meanwhile, I continue to move forward… steady and slow, knowing that I will be ready when each opportunity presents itself.
I strongly believe that, with the exception of a few professions, the idea of a lifetime career is nonexistent. With so many career options and possibilities, no one should be stuck in an unsatisfying career. Although change does not occur overnight, it is also true that change cannot take place without some effort on our part. It's easy to talk about what we want to do with our lives in the future, but it takes hard work, sacrifice, and commitment to make our dreams come true.
How about you? “What would your profession be if you didn’t need money?” I would love to hear from you.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
April Fools Run
Accomplished. That’s my word for the day.
This morning I ran in the first annual Katz JCC April Fools run on the boardwalk in AC. The weather was perfect. Dazzling sunshine, a calm Atlantic Ocean, and an abundance of enthusiastic runners. Other than palm trees blowing in 90 degree temperatures, white sand, and crystal blue waters, it doesn’t get any better than that.
Participants received cool t-shirts and colorful jester hats that even light up. My puffy hair didn’t fit well enough under my hat, so as much as I wanted to run wearing my jester hat, I couldn’t. The picture was taken after the race.
I ran the 11K or 6.83 mile run. I placed 166 out of 342 and I’m feeling pretty good about myself now. My pace was 9:06 miles and it took me 1 hour and 2 minutes to complete the run. My only competition was myself. I rarely have the time to train for any running events, but I do try to keep in some kind of shape so that I can finish respectively.
The race was well organized and upon completing the race, runners were treated to a nice cold beer. Yep! Beer! Sounds like an oxymoron right? Trust me- they go well together. Bananas, oranges, water ice, pretzels and water were also available to runners, but for some reason, the beer stands out in my mind.
Running is a euphoric experience for me. The more that I run, the more I want to. I never get bored indulging in running. I’m excited because I started running with my son on his bike and look forward to the day when we can run together. There’s a very small window where I’ll be able to keep up with him; after that, mom will be too slow. I also hope to teach him a little something about fitness and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that “more than one third of U.S. adults—more than 72 million—people and 17% of U.S. children are obese.” Not to get off topic, but we have to get our kids off of the sofa, away from TV, away from video games and computers and keep them active. We must also break away from any unhealthy eating habits or other unhealthy family traditions and teach our children a better way of life.
A good place to start is exercising and playing outdoors with the kids. The weather is warming up and the spring is the ideal time to get out doors and have some family fun.
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